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The containers are disposable for the collection of hazardous clinical waste at its origin, belonging to Class 6.2 (ADR) and assigned to UN 3291. According ... Go to description

Product Code: VDE013

  0,98 € s DPH / ks 0,81 € bez DPH / ks

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Width 207 mm
Height 108 mm
Depth 94 mm
Délka 94 mm

The containers are disposable for the collection of hazardous clinical waste at its origin, belonging to Class 6.2 (ADR) and assigned to UN 3291. According to the Waste Catalog, containers can be filled with waste from Group 18 - wastes from health and veterinary care, or research related thereto, including waste catalog number 180101 sharp objects and 180103 infectious waste. Hospital waste containers are manufactured in many volumes and are therefore suitable not only for large hospital wards but also for private practice of doctors, veterinarians or laboratories. Vessels are combustible, including contents in specialized incinerators, and do not emit hazardous substances into the atmosphere when they are burned.


Important notice: The seller reserves the right to change the calculation of the transport if the real volume of ordered goods does not correspond to the price of transport according to the e-shop. In case of changes the customer will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding.

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